

Galileo, V.M., i., pref., pp. liv.-lvi.; Idea, 219, 220, 472.

Gentleman, 'that antiquated variety of human nature and remnant of feudalism,' Idea, pref. p. x.;
—— may be called a narrow or fantastic type, ib., xi.;
—— may be formed away from Universities, ib., xvi.;
—— a University does make gentlemen and more, ib., xvi.;
—— a liberal education proper to, Idea, 106, 111;
—— a hero need not be a gentleman, Idea, 109;
—— 'it is well to be a gentleman, but that is no guarantee for sanctity, nor even for conscientiousness,' Idea, 120, 121;
—— 'at this day the gentleman is the creation, not of Christianity, but of civilization,' why, Idea, 203;
—— 'it is almost a definition of a gentleman to say that he is one who never inflicts pain,' Idea, 208;
—— picture of him, he may or may not be a Christian, Idea, 209-11;
—— 'a certain attention to dress is expected of every gentleman,' ib., 281;
—— the training of a gentleman rubs off 'a host of little vices,' wherewith human nature, left to itself, is speedily covered, Prepos., 391, 392;
—— 'a gentleman's knowledge,' G.A., 55; Idea, 111;
—— 'a gentleman's religion,' Idea, 193.

Gerontius, Dream of, first idea of, Mix., 81, 82;
—— the poem itself, V.V., 323-70.

Gervase and Protase, SS., St. Ambrose finds their skeletons mirę magnitudinis, Mir., 137; H.S., i., 366;
—— blind man regains sight by touching the cloth which covered them, Mir., 348; H.S., i., 367; testimonies of SS. Augustine, Ambrose, and Ambrose's secretary Paulinus, H.S., i., 368-72; the case argued, H.S., i., 372-4;
—— their skeletons as seen in 1872, H.S., i., 443, 444.

Gibbon, an anti-Christ, U.S., 126;
—— his remark on prepossessions, Mir., 353, note;
—— his sentiments on the divinity of Christ, D.A., 187;
—— his death of Julian, Idea, 194-6; wrote his first chapter three times, ib., 285;
—— could not enter into the depth and power of Christianity, G.A., 373, 462, 463;
—— his five causes of the spread of Christianity,—zeal, doctrine of future state, miracles, virtues, organization, G.A., 457; how account for combination of these causes? ib., 457, 458; said causes neither actually effective nor in themselves adequate, ib., 459-62;
—— Gibbon's style fascinated Newman in youth, Idea, 322, 323.

Gladstone, W. E., Newman's reply to his pamphlets, The Vatican Decrees in their bearing on Civil Allegiance, and Vaticanism, Diff., ii., 179-378;
—— professes to find in Newman's remarks on Conscience (Diff., ii., 261) 'a smack of Protestantism,'—reply, Diff., ii., 359, 360.

God, 'the long-practised Christian does not look out of doors for the traces of God,' P.S., i., 75;
—— His judgments secret and sudden, P.S., ii., 114, 115;
—— no instrument indispensable to Him, ib., ii., 118 sq.;
—— in what sense a jealous God, P.S., iv., 31;
—— His hand not seen in the events of life till they are over, ib., iv., 258-66, hence the sweetness of old memories for the {67} individual and for the Church, ib., iv., 261-3;
—— ' external world does not speak of God upon the face of it,' ib., iv., 313; but we find God speaking not only in our hearts, but through the sensible world, and this Voice we call revelation,' ib., iv., 314;
—— unconscious life in God's presence, P.S., iii., 168;
—— books to prove His existence 'do not strictly prove, but confirm the doctrine to those who believe it already,' P.S., vi., 338; U.S., 70; D.A., 293, 295, 298;
—— 'the course of the world does justly impress upon us with the doctrine of One Almighty God, but the proof is too delicate for formal argument,' P.S., vi., 339;
—— Unity and Trinity, ib., vi., 348-52;
—— His best gifts the most woefully corrupted, P.S., vii., 249;
—— the one thing which lies before us is to please God, P.S., viii., 32;
—— God's calls, many and repeated, ib., viii., 23, 24; not miraculous, ib., 24; sudden, ib., 25; involve great changes of view, ib., 25, 26; occasions of, ib., 28-30; no fear thence of spiritual pride, ib., 32; what it is to follow a call in earnest, ib., 31, 32;
—— God's secrets over against the devil's secrets, P.S., viii., 74, 75;
—— greatness unbecoming to man in God's sight, ib., viii., 246, 247;
—— His purpose in creation indeterminable by reason, U.S., 110;
—— not pure benevolence, ib., 104-12;
—— theism and physical phenomena, U.S., 294; Mir., 150; G.A., 72;
—— science of divinity at best very imperfect and inaccurate, U.S., 266-8; our idea of God earthly, yet in correspondence with its heavenly archetype, ib., 340; analogy of our idea of matter through its sensible qualities, ib., 339, 340;
—— 'the universal tradition of His existence has been from the beginning His own comment upon the phenomena of the visible world,' Ari., 252; by themselves, revelation apart, such phenomena hardly exclude the hypothesis of an Anima Mundi, Ari., 184, 185; D.A., 300, note, 302;
—— saying of St. Athanasius, 'Creation is not sufficient of itself to make God known,' Ath., i., 168, 169; Ath., ii., 138, 139;
—— God is Father because He is God, ib., ii., 107-13; God is Father properly, yet in one sense figuratively, ib., ii., 117-9, 445-7;
—— nobody sets about to gain notions of a Creator from His works, D.A., 294; cf. ib., 300, note;
—— God the perfection of law, and at the same time of personal government, H.S., iii., 72; U.S., 28;
—— the word 'God' a theology in itself, Idea, 26, 36; nothing easier than to use the word and mean nothing by it, ib., 37;
—— if you would change the divine sovereignty into a sort of constitutional monarchy, God coincident with the laws of the universe, such ideas seem short of Monotheism, Idea, 38, 39; S.N., 3, 42, 43; Diff., ii., 76;
—— theism, a consistent, ancient, far-spreading philosophy, Idea, 67-9;
—— no theology means bad theology, other sciences being strained to take the place of theology and so do work they are not fitted for, Idea, 74-94; theology said to be no science, treated as waste of time, ib., 387-92;
—— the God of Physical Theology, Idea, 453-5; P.S., i., 317-9;
—— God's attributes, we apprehend each in its elementary form, but cannot perfectly reconcile one with another, Idea, 462;
—— One unchangeable, L.G., 104;
—— habitual sense of {68} God's presence, some have it, some not, L.G., 230, 231;
—— proof of His existence from Conscience, Call., 314; P.S., ii., 18; O.S., 64, 65, 74;
—— 'I see Thee not in the material world but dimly, but I recognize Thy voice in my own intimate consciousness,' M.D., 496; G.A., 63, 105-18 (locus classicus);
—— His will the end of life, Mix., 111, 112, 117-22;
—— 'absolutely greater than our reason, and utterly strange to our imagination,' Mix., 264;
—— the very being of God, His eternity, His creation, strange and inexplicable as anything in the Catholic Church, Mix., 264-75;
—— existence of God not so much proved as borne in upon us, Mix., 261;
—— 'the adamantine rocks which base the throne of the Everlasting,' ib., 269;
—— 'reason teaches you there must be a God, how else was this all-wonderful universe made?' Mix., 285, 286;
—— His eternity by Himself, His creation, ib., 266-70, 287-90; P.S., vi., 365, 366;
—— His independence of creatures, Mix., 290-2; O.S., 77-9;
—— complaint of the aloofness of God met by the Incarnation, Mix., 292-4, 298, 299;
—— glory and beauty of God's eternal excellence visible in Nature, ib., 295-7, 314;
—— air, water, fire, images of attributes of God, Mix., 318-20;
—— order and unity of the divine attributes and of the Holy Trinity Itself, O.S., 184-6;
—— 'all is vanity but what is done to the glory of God: it glitters and it fades away, it makes a noise and is gone,' Diff., i., 400;
—— alone with God,—Newman's sense of this from boyhood, Apo., 195, 196;
—— 'no medium in true philosophy between Atheism and Catholicity,' Apo., 198, 204; 495-501; Mix., 260, 261; S.N., 321;
—— 'I am a Catholic by virtue of my believing in God, and I believe in God because I believe in myself,'— argument from Conscience, Apo., 198;
—— of all points of faith the being of God is most difficult, yet is borne in upon us with most power, Apo., 239;
—— 'the being of a God is as certain to me as my own existence,' yet the grounds of such certainty are hard to put into logical shape, Apo., 241;
—— state of the world, as an argument for the being of God, real force of such argument not denied, but it does not 'warm me or enlighten me,' Apo., 241;
—— His infinite stability, centre and stay of all created things, M.D., 506, 507;
—— all things of Him, through Him, in Him, M.D., 575-8;
—— knows all, ib., 579-82;
—— 'I hold it (God's being) firmly and absolutely, though it is the most difficult of all mysteries,'—I hold it on seven grounds, M.D., 591, 592, 595;
—— 'one and sole, infinitely removed from all things, still the fulness of all things,' ib., 596;
—— the sole stay for eternity; without Him, eternal misery, M.D., 600-3; S.N., 160, 161, 206, 207, 250, 251; S.D., 312;
—— 'at least He is good to me,' S.N., 119, 120; G.A., 421, 422;
—— His service exclusive in the sense that all must be subordinate to it, not two masters, S.N., 120, 121;
—— five things that man loves in succession away from love of God, ib., 125;
—— omnipotence 'does not mean that He can do everything whatever,' S.N., 204, 205;
—— God's judgments in this world are, but are not to be lightly argued; revealed {69} as to the one nation of the Jews, not as to individuals ever amongst them, S.N., 213-9;
—— His way of dealing with evil, ib., 221;
—— why evil? 'not a question for the present time: you don't inquire how a fire arose before you have extinguished it,' S.N., 244;
—— 'destroys His own works, however beautiful,' ib., 274;
—— twelve mysteries in God, S.N., 321;
—— 'the world generally as little believes in God as it believes in Catholicism,' S.N., 321;
—— belief in and meditation on Almighty God would bring the whole world to become Catholic, ib., 321;
—— 'weakness is Heaven's might,' V.V., 80, 81;
—— some account of 'the God of the Theist and of the Christian,' G.A., 101; Idea, 62-6; Mix., 286-92;
—— His existence held with a 'real assent' through the working of Conscience, G.A., 63, 105-19, 315;
—— Clarke on the Divine Knowledge, ib., 313-6;
—— 'those who resolve to treat the Almighty with dispassionateness, a judicial temper, clearheadedness and candour,' are not in a way to find Him, G.A., 425, 426; O.S., 68-70.

God, existence of, 'we believe in the existence of God, though it can be proved also,' S.N., 184, 320;
—— 'not pleasant to inquire into the proofs' in a catechetical instruction; popular proofs, S.N., 289-91;
—— 'conscience and our personal history' 'suffice for our believing in God, though there was no external world;' 'argument from external world dangerous, because it tells us nothing about sin,' S.N., 291, 343, 344;
—— 'no article in the whole Catholic faith more mysterious,' S.N., 320; further on this topic, P.S., iv., 313, 314; P.S., vi., 338, 339; U.S., 22, 70, 194, 338-40; Mir., 150; Ari., 151, 152, 184, 185; Ath., i., 168, 169; Ath., ii., 138, 139; D.A., 293-5, 298, 300, note, 302-4; Idea, 453-5; Mix., 261, 285, 286, 295-7, 314; M.D., 591, 592, 595; G.A., 72;
—— proof from Conscience, P.S., ii., 18; O.S., 64, 65, 74; Call., 314; M.D., 496; Apo., 198; G.A., 63, 105-18 (locus classicus), 389-91;
—— two manners of assent to the being of a God, notional and real, G.A., 126, 127;
—— 'physical phenomena, taken by themselves; apart from psychological phenomena, apart from moral considerations,'—so taken, 'the question is whether physical phenomena logically teach us or logically remind us of the Being of a God,' note to U.S., 194; Idea, 61, 453, 454;
—— 'does not every star in the sky speak of God?' P.S., vi., 308;
—— 'were it not for this voice, speaking so clearly in my conscience and my heart, I should be an atheist, or a pantheist, or a polytheist when I looked into the world,' Apo., 241.

Good works, why requisite, P.S., i., 8, 9;
—— how acceptable, ib., i., 189;
—— evidence of faith, P.S., ii., 159;
—— good works the road, faith the gate, P.S., v., 166, 167;
—— 'no work of ours, as far as it is ours, is perfect,' ib., v., 157;
—— the Divine Presence in us makes our works acceptable to God, albeit imperfect, ib., v., 157, 158;
—— they are acceptable again by anticipation of the perfection that shall be ours in heaven, ib., v., 158, 159;
—— do not spring out of faith by a physical law, U.S., 147;
—— justifying faith embodying itself in good works, Jfc., 302, 303;
—— inculcated in the Homilies as {70} the remedy of post-baptismal sin, Jfc., 304-9; Dev., 393-5;
—— do justify in some sense, Jfc., 276;
—— Scripture insistence on good works not an economy, Ari., 78;
—— the Gospel does not abrogate works, S.D., 4-13;
—— Evangelical view of, L.G., 138-40, 145;
—— goodness, apparent, without any part in Christ, Mix., 153-5;
—— good will, tests of, S.N., 250;
—— no self-satisfaction in, V.V., 68;
—— 'good is never done except at the expense of those who do it,' Prepos., 402, 403.

Grace, state of, P.S., iv., 145, 146;
—— 'the presence of the Holy Ghost' in us, our 'grafting into the Body of Christ,' Jfc., 160, 161;
—— 'the setting up of the Cross within us,' Jfc., 173-8; P.S., vi., 83-93;
—— when we are in the state of grace, our obedience is the condition, not of our pardon, but of our continuance in grace, Jfc., 184;
—— ascetic value of a right view of the state of grace, Jfc., 190, 191;
—— grandeur of, Jfc., 93, 94, 160-9;
—— 'given through Sacraments, impetrated by faith, manifested in works,' ib., 303;
—— essence and effect of state of grace, Jfc., 349, 350;
—— called by the Fathers a deification, Ath., ii., 88-90;
—— a union with the Flesh of Christ, ib., ii., 130-5, 225;
—— our sonship by grace far more than a mere legal adoption, Ath., ii., 139-41; involves the divine indwelling, ib., ii., 193-5; M.D., 554, 555;
—— 'comes freely to all, only merited where it has already prevailed,' Call., 160;
—— grace of perseverance unmerited, Mix., 125, 129, 130;
—— nature may counterfeit grace, ib., 151-60;
—— grace given beyond the pale of the Church, ib., 188, 189;
—— renovating grace, need of, Apo., 248;
—— 'pride is dependence on nature without grace,' S.N., 31, 32;
—— 'grace is the only principle of immortality,' S.N., 37, 38;
—— 'enough to all, but more to one than another,' S.N., 45;
—— something more than nature necessary to salvation, S.N., 110;
—— 'few in this state' (of grace) yet 'it is the state in which God wishes all to be in,' ib., 111;
—— to be out of the state of grace is to be dead, ib., 121, 122;
—— no life of grace, no salvation, S.N., 191, 192;
—— the first grace and the last unmerited, ib., 247;
—— grace—sufficient, efficacious, actual, habitual, ib., 295, 296;
—— sanctifying grace, the Church's supreme concern, Diff., i., 232-50;
—— 'penetrates through our whole soul and body, leaves no part of us uncleansed, unsanctified,' S.D., 131.

Gratitude, to God, S.N., 118-20.

Greece, heathen Greece, a song, V.V., 305, 306;
—— Greek mythology, cheerful and graceful, represents a one-sided development of intellect and moral sense, but not of conscience, G.A., 395, 396;
—— Greeks earlier than other nations lost those 'celestial adumbrations' which are given as guides at the out-start of life, Call., 97.

Greek Church, said to be too numerous to be in schism, Diff., i., 335, 336; something of the sort might be said of Mahometanism, Judaism, Arianism, Nestorianism, ib., i., 339-47;
—— its faith, material rather than formal, Diff., i., 350-2; still far better off than the heathen, ib., 352-4;
—— Greek Fathers thought that under certain circumstances it was lawful to tell a lie, Apo., 270, 349, 350;
—— the Greek Fathers, V.V., 102, 103;
—— how the {71} Greek Church exalts the Blessed Virgin, Diff., ii., 90, 91, 153-64.

Gregory I., St., extraordinary calamities of his time, H.S., iii., 110-3, 116-22;
—— turns to the Anglo-Saxon, ib., iii., 124, 135-7;
—— according to Milman, the real father of the medieval Papacy, Diff., ii., 214.

Gregory VII., St., Life by Bowden, Ess., ii., 254 sq.; Apo., 74;
—— Leo IX. and St. Peter Damian, Ess., ii., 276-85;
—— celibacy of the clergy, ib., ii., 289-95;
—— Canossa, ib., ii., 298-315;
—— 'no man is given to see his work through,' Ess., ii., 317; Idea, 267;
—— Hildebrand had a basis to go on, D.A., 25, 33, 35, 36;
—— called for a Crusade against the Turks, H.S., i., 97, 98.

Gregory Nazianzen, St., his birth and parentage, H.S., ii., 51;
—— contrast of character with St. Basil, ib., 50, 51;
—— Gregory and Basil at Athens, ib., 52-4;
—— vision of the two virgins, ib. 54, 55;
—— his character, ib., 66, 76, 80, 81, 83, 84;
—— priest and bishop against his will, ib., 71;
—— estrangement from Basil on occasion of the bishopric of Sasima, ib., 69-74;
—— Gregory patriarch of Constantinople, ib., 79; Ari., 380-8; came to Constantinople as St. Peter to Rome, Mix., 242; resigns, Ari., 391; why, 'wanted a man who had a presence, whereas they had no one but poor, dear, good Gregory, who was but a child,' etc., H.S., ii., 84-6;
—— his opinion of Councils, Ari., 388;
—— passes a whole Lent without speaking, H.S., ii., 86;
—— Gregory lived sixty years, his ecclesiastical life was barely three, reflections, H.S., ii., 80;
—— specimens of his poetry, H.S., ii., 87-93; V.V., 197, 207;
—— 'a man as great theologically as he is personally winning,' H.S., ii., 93;
—— 'thou couldst a people raise, but couldst not rule,' V.V., 151, 152; Apo., 59.

Gregory Thaumaturgus, St., his vision of the Blessed Virgin and St. John, Dev., 417, 418; Diff., ii., 74, 75.

Guileless innocence, such as that of our first parents, a happier guide of life than acquaintance with sin, P.S., ii., 338-45; P.S., v., 104-12; P.S., viii., 63-5, 256-60; innocence described, S.D., 299.

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Newman Reader — Works of John Henry Newman
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